AI 文摘


  • By AI123
  • July 5, 2023 - 2 min read

作者: 拾点外刊  来源: [拾点外刊](

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【Para. 1-3】 引出话题:ChatGPT能够帮助求职者撰写简历和求职信,但也会促使招聘者改变招聘和评估方式

【Para. 4-7】 指出ChatGPT生成的求职信较为公式化,使用ChatGPT不算作弊,但求职信已经过时了

【Para. 8-10】 指出招聘者也将利用人工智能工具评估求职者,招聘流程将发生巨大转变


正文字数:576 Words

Para. 1

Since November 2022, AI chatbot ChatGPT has enabled anyone with internet access to generate anything in the written form: think **intricate ** essays and code, succinct memos or poetry. Even with basic prompts , ChatGPT can complete complex, written tasks in moments, and work as a creative tool to quickly produce efficient content. “In general, the technology allows people who may not necessarily possess the best writing skills to suddenly have them,” says Vince Miller, **reader ** in sociology and cultural studies at the University of Kent, UK.


Para. 2

Jobseekers are among those reporting such benefits. Leveraging ** a dataset containing 570 billion individual words, OpenAI’s ChatGPT can compose convincing cover letters** on demand, or **synthesise ** a few career details into a competent , bullet-pointed CV. Want to send an email to a hiring manager? Prompt the chatbot, then copy and paste the AI-generated text straight into the message.


Para. 3

But hiring managers aren’t oblivious : they understand candidates are already leaning on generative AI to assist them, and may well do so even more as the technology grows in sophistication . This could create a shift in job applications as we know them, moving recruiters away from the traditional modes of evaluating candidates.


Para. 4

Adam Nicoll, group marketing director at recruitment and job-consulting firm Randstad, based in Luton, UK, says time-poor hiring managers may be unlikely to distinguish between a cover letter written by a candidate and ** one generated by AI. “The language generated by ChatGPT reads clean, if formulaic . Compared to most cover letter writing, there are no idiosyncrasies ; there are no red flags** , but no personality,” he says.


Para. 5

Despite this, he says he wouldn’t necessarily consider this cheating the hiring process. “It’s helping those who aren’t the best at writing and editing in producing a neat summary of career highlights. It’s the digitised version of asking a friend to review your CV.”


Para. 6

Nicoll says that recruiters have already been relying less on traditional modes of evaluating candidates, anyway. “The cover letter has been on its way out for years: hiring managers skim through a resume for less than 10 seconds, let alone read a 200-word personal statement.”


Para. 7

Instead, Nicoll says recruiters increasingly prefer viewing a candidate’s social media and LinkedIn **profile ** to understand their personality. And as more candidates use generative AI to compose their written materials, he adds the importance of these application elements is becoming even more irrelevant. “If anyone can artificially enhance their **pitching email ** to a hiring manager, then it becomes redundant ,” says University of Kent’s Miller.


Para. 8

Experts say standard hiring processes may change as a result. There could be a greater emphasis on scrutinising ** candidates in face-to-face settings, says Brooke Weddle, partner at consulting firm McKinsey & Company, based in Washington, DC. “As opposed to cover letters, which typically convey little information critical to the actual hiring decision, employers look hard at cultural fit and soft skills** during the interview process.”


Para. 9

Furthermore, some recruiters are already embracing new AI tools on their side of the job hiring process. For instance, some large corporations are leveraging AI in the recruitment process to test job seekers’ qualities through skill- and personality assessments, which use data-driven behavioural insights to **match ** candidates **against ** vacancies and reveal their soft skills.


Para. 10

These kinds of emerging platforms that give recruiters more data on candidates** stand to** change the job-application process, too, especially as “we move from degree certifications to skills-based hiring”, says Weddle. And this may be just the beginning of big changes to come.



**intricate ** [ˈɪntrɪkət] adj. 错综复杂的

**succinct ** [səkˈsɪŋkt] adj. 简明的,言简意赅的

**prompt ** [prɑːmpt] n. 提词,提示 v. 促使;提示 adj. 立即的

**reader ** [ˈriːdər] n. (英国大学中仅次于教授的)高级讲师

**leverage ** [ˈlevərɪdʒ] v. 充分利用

**synthesise ** [ˈsɪnθəsaɪz] v. 合成

**competent ** [ˈkɑːmpɪtənt] adj. 合格的;称职的

**oblivious ** [əˈblɪviəs] adj. 不知道,未注意,未察觉

**sophistication ** [səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn] n. 复杂,精密;精明老练

**formulaic ** [ˌfɔːrmjuˈleɪɪk] adj. 公式化的,俗套的

**idiosyncrasy ** [ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi] n. 习性,特征,癖好

**profile ** [ˈproʊfaɪl] n. 概述,简介;外形,轮廓

**redundant ** [rɪˈdʌndənt] adj. 多余的,不需要的;被解雇的

**scrutinise ** [ˈskruːtənaɪz] v. 仔细查看,认真检查


not necessarily 不一定,未必

**cover letter ** 求职信,附函

**bullet point ** 着重号,项目符号

lean on 依赖,依靠

**distinguish between A and B ** 区分,辨别

red flag 危险信号,预警;激怒因素,引人冒火的事

**skim through ** 浏览,略读

**pitching email ** 求职信,推销信

**soft skills ** 软性技巧

match … against … 拿……与……比较;较量

**stand to ** 很可能做某事



原文标题:ChatGPT: How Generative AI Could Change Hiring as We Know It



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